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US citizen seeking Nonlucrative Visa via Chicago Consulate (requiring 3 month apartment lease)

Posted: Thu Feb 2, 2023 4:47pm
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Joined: 14 Jan 2023

Hello, all.  I am a retired US citizen seeking to obtain temporary residency in Jarez de la Frontera, Spain, through the Nonlucrative Visa.  I studied the requirements, so have a pretty good understnding of what is needed.  I do meet the financial criteria.  Because of my location, I have to apply at the Spanish Embassy in Chicago. It requires a 3 month apartment lease or someone agreeing to host me and signing a document. I have owned my own home for decades and recently sold it. Now, I live with my daughter. Thus, I have no landlord to give a reference. I really don't want to make a special trip to Spain to look for an apartment. It seems unlikely that anyone would offer me a lease when I may not get the Visa.

I have received my passport.  I got my FBI   check, had it translated by a sworn translator, and apostilled.  It was dated Dec. 12th. I don't know if it is possible to get everything done before it expires. If I get another FBI background check, they say it takes 8 weeks to get it apostilled. 

Can someone on the forum advise me?

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